Sell Your Car Wash

Get on the road to selling your car wash with the leading car wash investment bank

Car Wash Advisory team

Bringing Professional Investment Banking to Car Washes

Car Wash Advisory brings the professionalism, the passion, and the industry focus and expertise owners deserve. Our team is composed of those with a background in bulge bracket and traditional investment banking. We combine this background with our comprehensive industry knowledge which allows us to advise, lead, and execute traditional merger and acquisition, as well as sell-side processes with a level of professionalism that has unparalleled results across the industry.

Find Out Your Car Wash's Worth

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Our Car Wash Selling Process

At Car Wash Advisory, we believe a structured methodology and a clearly defined approach are the only way one can reliably achieve exceptional results. That's why we don't approach a client's sale haphazardly or with an ill-defined and inexplicable process. Instead, we acknowledge that structure, methodology, and definition from the onset of the selling process are key. Our structured and proven process produces the results every owner deserves - the absolute best results possible.


Valuation Expectations

We provide industry-leading valuations upfront to ensure you get the most for your business.



We work with you to learn all aspects of the business. In this stage we prepare the  marketing material, financial model and target buyer list for the sale process.


Sale Process

Custom tailored but structured sale process to achieve the best outcome possible given your scale, desirability, and current market dynamics.


Offer Discussion

CWA will review all offers and provide feedback and advice based on the pre-defined seller goals determined during onboarding.


A Path Forward

Once the successful offer has been selected and accepted, the final diligence and closing process will begin. If no acceptable offer is presented, CWA will assist in paving a path forward, regardless of the offer outcome.

The CWA Advantage


Certainty and Confidence

  • Structured process with deadlines leaves no uncertainty as to when you will receive offers
  • Only type of sale process that instills true confidence that current market was fully exploited
No Obligations

No Obligation

  • No requirement for sellers to accept any offers at the end of a process
  • No obligation to accept the “highest” offer – or any offer at all
minimize risk

Minimize Risk

  • Stringent structured time-boxed approach eliminates window shoppers and tire-kickers
  • Minimizes amount of time your information is in the hands of others, which is only provided under legal confidentiality
Least Work For Sellers

Least Work for Seller

  • Due diligence material is requested at the start of the process to avoid constant disruption in the owner’s daily business operations, thus minimizing the back and forth exchange of information
Custom Seller Goals

Custom Fit Seller Goals

  • Any desired post-sale conditions can be used to filter out potential buyers and participants
  • Such as whether any management would like to stay on with the company post transaction
highest price

Highest Price

  • Process encourages serious buyers to submit their strongest offer first
  • Price guidance is provided to buyers at the start of the process to encourage competitive offers

Unsure About Selling?

Important decisions warrant careful thought and consideration. It's of the utmost importance to explore in real, tangible, and understandable terms all of the options that one has. Despite the car wash industry being at an all-time high by way of valuations, investor interest, and capital deployment alike - this does not mean anyone and everyone that is a car wash owner should sell.

At Car Wash Advisory, we acknowledge that every situation and every car wash company is different, and that all aspects of your unique circumstances must be taken into account. It may be too early to sell, but it’s never too early to know what your properties are worth and what selling could look like. With Car Wash Advisory as your advisor, we’ll discuss your options and assist you in making your decision.

Car Wash Advisory team

Why Choose Car Wash Advisory? 

Car Wash Advisory specializes in assisting our customers to sell their car wash businesses. Selling car washes is the service our business was designed to perform, and we are confident we’re the best at what we do. We work with clients of all sizes - from single location, car wash businesses to multiple location franchises - helping them navigate the process of selling their car wash business.

All of the meetings we have with our clients are 100% confidential, and the information shared with us is always kept as such. With a successful track record of working with car wash businesses of all sizes and models, we have what it takes to assist you in the sale of your car wash next. For the industry leader in the sale of car wash businesses, look no further than the team at Car Wash Advisory. 

“Car Wash Advisory sold my wash for more than expected and faster than expected. Simply great.”
Mike Wasik | Wash Seller

Car Wash Selling FAQs

Have any questions?

I've decided it's time to sell but don't know what advisor to go with for selling. How do I decide?

Take your time when deciding who you will be going with to represent you and the car wash company and sites you have built. At Car Wash Advisory, we highly encourage you to speak to at least a few potential advisors. Whereas the price elasticity of a single car wash is minimal, this could not be further from the truth for a multi-site M&A. 

Keep in mind that a different advisor can mean the difference of tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars to the seller. Make sure you are completely confident that the advisor you are considering for sell-side representation knows the car wash industry and what makes your specific car washes and company different from other industry operators. You should also work with an advisor who provides an ultimate level of professionalism, competency, and a strong industry and non-industry network.

Is my car wash too small for Car Wash Advisory?

In today's market, and with the buyers at play, washes are very often being valued and purchased based on their potential, not just what the business produces today. Don't jump to the conclusion that your wash or washes are too small for Car Wash Advisory.
We handle each and every case on just that - on a case-by-case basis. Contact us to confidentially determine whether or not we could and would be the best in representing you in your sale.

What should I do if I've already been approached by and received offers from buyers?

Accepting the first offer is rarely the correct choice, and CWA doesn’t advise clients to accept any offer. CWA ensures the client receives, and advises they accept, the best offer.

Don't cut yourself short, and don't put all your eggs in one basket. Rest assured that if one company, if one person, if one group wants to buy your car washes - so do many others. The only way to ensure best conditions, price, and results is through comprehensive (yet confidential) consideration. The only way this can be achieved is through a well-defined and outcome-driven time-bound process.It very well maybe the buyer you are speaking with already and the one that made you an unsolicited offer and approached you.

It may be the case that the buyer you are already speaking with is indeed the best fitting buyer for your washes. It's possible this is the case.
However, it is impossible to know whether they are and whether the deal and price you are being presented with, is indeed the best without knowing the other options.

It's very frequently that we at Car Wash Advisory are approached while or after an owner is engaging in a dialogue with a buyer, or group of buyers. Please do not let this deter you from discussing other options. A true advisor that has a clients best interests in mind will welcome the opportunity to discuss and engage regardless.

We at Car Wash Advisory welcome the opportunity to discuss, and where it makes sense, become involved in and represent you and your washes no matter the step of the process you're currently in. Whether in initial and preliminary discussions, or whether you're negotiating a final purchase agreement, we view our job as advising and achieving the best result possible for each and everyone of our clients. Often times this is simply us being able to extract a higher, and well deserved offer you may already have on the table with a buyer you're comfortable with and would like to proceed with. Let your advisor be the representation you need to extract the best deal possible, even if you've found the buyer you're set on selling to.

What makes Car Wash Advisory different from a real estate or business broker? 

At Car Wash Advisory, we deal in only one type of business: car washes. Real estate and business brokers are working in multiple different industries without specializing in a single field. That’s where Car Wash Advisory differs — thanks to our large network of car wash industry professionals including lenders and buyers, we’ve got a pulse on the industry, unlike more general business and real estate brokers.

How long will it take to sell my car wash?

Car Wash Advisory is not a broker but rather an investment bank and mergers and acquisitions advisor. Brokers, both real estate and business, run informalized, unorganized, unprofessional processes. We standout as the only true professional investment banking firm and advisor that brings wall street professionalism and process to the focused niche of the car wash industry.

Does Car Wash Advisory work with any car wash business? 

No, Car Wash Advisory is selective about the car wash businesses we work with. We aim to build a lasting business relationship and are more focused on customer service and satisfaction rather than achieving the highest possible profit for ourselves or our clients. Our team will chat with most car wash owners to further understand their business and whether or not it’s a right fit for Car Wash Advisory.

What factors are considered by Car Wash Advisory regarding the valuation of my car wash? 

Car Wash Advisory considers a number of factors during the car wash valuation process. These factors include but are not limited to profitability, size of the car wash business, average customer value, location, and more. When you speak with a Car Wash Advisory team member, we’ll walk you through our valuation process from start to finish.

How do I get started with Car Wash Advisory? 

Getting started with Car Wash Advisory is simple  — just give us a call or contact us online today, and you’ll hear back from one of our knowledgable & experienced customer service representatives.